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Our Courses

Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (UK RQF Level 5)

3 Years Full-Time Higher Diploma (UK RQF Level 5) qualification. ATHE / EduQual/RITHS course. Assured Direct Final Year Bachelor of Engineering degree at Top ranking universities abroad. Study Top up degree in UK,Ireland, Singapore and Europe

(Full-Time Regular course)

Higher Diploma in Electronics Engineering (UK RQF Level 5)

3 Years Full-Time Higher Diploma (UK RQF Level 5) qualification. ATHE / EduQual/RITHS course. Assured Direct Final Year Bachelor of Engineering degree at Top ranking universities abroad. Study Top up degree in UK,Ireland, Singapore and Europe

(Full-Time Regular course)

Higher Diploma in Business Management (UK RQF Level 5)

2 Years Full-Time Higher Diploma (UK RQF Level 5) qualification. ATHE / EduQual/RITHS course. Assured Direct Final Year Bachelor of Business Management degree at Top ranking universities abroad. Study Top up degree in UK,Ireland, Singapore and Europe

(Full-Time /Part-time/Distance Learning)

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (UK RQF Level 7)

10 months Full-Time/Distance learning Postgraduate Diploma (UK RQF Level 7) qualification. ATHE / EduQual course. Assured MBA Top up (4 Months) at Top ranking universities in UK. 

(Full-Time /Part-time/Distance Learning)


MBA Top up (3 to 5 months) for UK RQF Level 7 PG Diploma holders. (Participating Universities: Cardiff Metropolitan University, Arden University, Buckinghamshire New University, Anglia Ruskin University, University of Bolton, University of Sunderland, University of Bedfordshire, University of South Wales)

(Full-Time /Part-time/Distance Learning/On Campus UK)

BA(Hons) Business Management (Top Up)

1 Year Full-Time or Online  BA(Hons) Business Mangement for UK RQF Level 5 Diploma holders (Participating Universities: Teesside University, Anglia Ruskin University, University of Bolton, University of Sunderland, University of Bedfordshire, University of South Wales)

(Full-Time /Part-time/Distance Learning/On Campus UK)


World Class Twinning Program

RITHS have collaborative arrangements with foreign universities for Engineering & Business degree programs. The collaborative programme is called the "Twinning Programme". The students pursue the first two or three years of study at RITHS and the Final year at the Foreign university. The student study at the university campus and degree is awarded by the foreign university at its' own jurisdiction.


Save 70% of your study abroad expenses

If you study a 3 years degree in a foreign university, you need to pay 3 year tuition fee (Ex: UK university approximate tution fee for an international student is above Rs.15 lakhs per year and you pay Rs.45 lakhs for your tuition fee and you need to fund living expenses of Rs.5 lakhs per year accounting to Rs.15 lakhs. So 3 years study in UK cost you around Rs.60 lakhs! Through RITHS, you pay only one year tuition fee and living expenses for one year in UK. You save Rs.40 lakhs! Still you get all benefits like PSW work visa and regular on campus degree with full degree credits.

RITHS tuition fee for studying the first 2 years is negligible and you need not spend on huge living expenses. The studies at RITHS is certificated by leading awarding bodies in UK, make you eligible for jobs as well as Direct Final Year admission in any foreign destination.

What's a Top up Degree? Advantages?

A Top-up Degree is an alternative pathway to achieving a full bachelor’s degree. It is a popular option for anyone who has already completed a Higher National Diploma (HND), or an equivalent Level-5 qualification. Several universities in UK, Ireland and Europe offers Top-Up Bachelor degrees.

A top-up degree is for anyone that has already completed an HND or Higher Diploma or Foundation degree and needs to study one year to attain a Level-6 honours degree. 

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